Monday, December 10, 2007

exams are over!

ok ppl! I can start counting down now! 7 DAYS! to Singapore! woosh! cant wait.. can here the Home by Daughtry playing in my head. lolx.. ahh!

acounting sux today. and i think eveyone agrees with me.. i so wont get 84% I think. I need to get 84 %!! ahhhh.. haha anyway...

so bored right now. just cleaned up my kitchen. and tml go buy stuff with Samantha! haha! quite boring also la.. i just wanna get out of here!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

lazy me =[[

haha! the mango looks nice doesnt it? haha! it looks so pretty that I decided to buy it from Safeway. cost me 1.75 Aud.. cheap or ex? I aso dunno... but it'll be gone tml =[[ haha
I so should be studying Accounting but me is lazing around =[[ boo! dunno how I'm going to do for this term's exam.. I kept thinking of what to do when I'm back in Singapore =]] hahaha!
cant wait!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

walking into the unknown...

Tomorrow's Maths 2!! =[[ i'm so lost =[[ contributes 1/5 of the total marks =[[ how? sian..
I've tried my best to understand them. but still... went to find Bernard today for consultation with Tika and Dhea.. ok.. it helps. haha! Thanks Bernard!...
and Andrew cut his heair again i think. dunno just caught a climpse of him in the office haha! why everyone went to cut their hair? lolx =]]

anyway, after Maths 2 i'll be going to vic market i guess.. *laxy =[[* and then go fitness first. Got appointment with (another) Andrew.. haha! I know 3 andrews... one student one teacher and one personal trainer. lolx. =[[[ I so dun feel like going la... 3.30 leh... such a weird timing.. but its the last session beofre i freeze the membership =]] AHHH! 11 MORE DAYS TO SINGAPORE!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

the eve of exams!

My study table =]] filled with lit notes =]]

my dining table=]] filled with Maths 2 and accounting

so i'm like having meals on a chair now =]] miserable. haha!

1 week ago. Aussie's federal election and this some ppl drew this in the sky. cool eh? will never se in Singapore.

Well, Kevin Rudd really became PM haha

Argh… cant wait for it to be over! 2 weeks + 1 day = Singapore! Haha! I am not homesick or anything… just miss the country and my family and friends and DOG! Haha!
Mom and dad brought him upstairs 2 days ago in front of the webcam and he’s so cute! Haha! *cuddles* he’s like 1year and 1 month old now =]]

Anyway, had lunch at Brunetti / Bunetti? (haha didn’t see properly. But its tt nice and fancy cafĂ© restautrant at the intersection of lygon and faraday ( I think) and oh my the food is so awesome!) ya.. went with Audrey and grandaunt =]] Must take pictures! The cakes are very nice… but err… I find them too fancy to eat… hhaha! I couldn’t thnk of what to choose.. but the waiters are cute =p haha! -.-…
The nougat was like 2.50 per cube? And a 3/4cm side cube… *faint* haha! Ahh well.. dunno if I can import them to Singapore not.. but tt’s something for me to think about 1 week later. Haha!

Oh I think I want to go down to the city to take picture with Santa. Dunno if sam wants to go… HAHA! Poor santa.. haha! The weather’s so hot and he gotta wear tt suit. Haha!

Its as if when Lit is over, half of my exam’s gone.. haha! *shrugs*

Difficulty level (according to Jingchun’s intelligence)
Lit 40%
EAP 10%
Maths 1: 5%
Maths 2: 25%
Accounting: 20%

To anyone going to convention tomorrow=]] HAVE A GREAT TIME!!